Headquarter and Registered Office
Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive
P .O. Box 2681
Grand Cayman KY1-1111
Cayman Island
Place of Business in Hong Kong Registered
31/F., Tower Two, Times Square
1 Matheson Street
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Joint Company Secretary
Mr. Deng Huaxin (鄧華新)
Ms. Ng Ka Man (吳嘉雯)
Authorized Representatives
Mr. Huang Dake (黃大柯)
Ms. Ng Ka Man (吳嘉雯)
Audit Committee
Mr. Tu Liandong (涂連東)(Chairman);Mr. Chen Chaolin (陳朝琳);Mr. Ke Jinding (柯金鐤)
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Chen Chaolin (陳朝琳)(Chairman);Mr. Xie Mianbi (謝綿陛);Mr. Huang Dake (黃大柯)
Nomination Committee
Mr. Zhou Shiyuan (周士淵) (Chairman);Mr. Tu Liandong (涂連東);Mr. Xie Mianbi (謝綿陛)
Compliance Adviser
Changjiang Corporate Finance (HK) Limited
Suite 1908, 19th Floor, Cosco Tower
183 Queen’s Road Central
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Share Registrar
Tricor Investor Services Limited
Level 54, Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong
Company’s Website